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Smith, Edmund Harcourt Carington

Athletic and single Edmund enjoyed his summers in Tadoussac


Edmund Harcourt Carington Smith 1874-1951

Edmund was born in Quebec City in 1874. He was the fifth son of Robert Herbert Smith and Amelia Jane LeMesurier Smith.
He was a well-known banking figure who started his career at the Bank of Montreal in 1892. He was manager of several branches in Canada and England and ended his career in 1932 in charge of the Charlevoix and Centre Street branches of the bank in Quebec City. He was a member for many years of the Royal Montreal Curling Club and the Montreal Athletic Amateur Association.
He spent many summers in Tadoussac and loved the beauty of the area and, as a bachelor, he enjoyed the closeness of his extended family. He died suddenly in Tadoussac on August 15, 1951, and is buried at Mount Hermon Cemetery in Quebec City.

Eve Wickwire

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