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Evans, Rhodes Bethune (Tim)
A keen sailor and golfer, Tim and Claire loved their summers at the family cottage

Rhodes Bethune (Tim) Evans – 1931 - 2021
Tim was born June 22, 1931 and died on July 13, 2021. He was married to his wife Claire Gill for 68 years. Father to son Tim Jr. and daughter Joanne. He has two grandchildren, Natasha and Gabriel, and one great-grandchild, Max.
Tim was one of four children born to Dorothy and Trevor Evans, and grew up in Westmount in Montreal. He attended Bishop’s College School and later Sir George Williams University, graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce degree.
He and Claire married in 1953. Tim spent most of his working life as a senior executive at Dupont of Canada, and found a second career as a placement counselor after an early retirement from Dupont. Tim and Claire spent their retirement years on the West Coast, primarily in Victoria.
Tim was an avid golfer and sailor, and enjoyed many summers at the family house in Tadoussac, Quebec. After the move West, Tim often volunteered his time at Christ Church Cathedral in Victoria.
Photos above
Tim & Claire (2)
Tim with kids Tim and Joanne
Photos below
Dorothy and Trevor with Phoebe, Ainslie, Trevor and Tim, and Katie Von Iffland (Dorothy's step mother)
Phoebe, Trevor, Ainslie and Tim
